Objects 1: Transparency of freedom and progress

"By sheer power of will one can see thru walls."
— Kim Il-sung
A collection of North Korean transparent plastic products.

"Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live." 
— Kim Il-sung

"Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live."
— Kim Il-sung

"National defense is the sacred duty of the young and all other people." 
— Kim Jong Il

"National defense is the sacred duty of the young and all other people."
— Kim Jong Il

"A film with an untidy plot cannot grip the audience and define their emotional response." 
— Kim Jong Il

"A film with an untidy plot cannot grip the audience and define their emotional response."
— Kim Jong Il

"There can be neither today without yesterday nor tomorrow without today." 
—Kim Jong-un

"There can be neither today without yesterday nor tomorrow without today."
—Kim Jong-un

"Peace secured by slavish submission is not peace."
— Kim Il-sung

"Peace secured by slavish submission is not peace."
— Kim Il-sung

"Great ideology creates great times." 
— Kim Jong Il

"Great ideology creates great times."
— Kim Jong Il